The 5 Finger Diet By Dr. Allan

About My Diet Plan

The 5 Finger Diet and Anti-Aging Lifestyle is a simple guide to a practical and holistic approach to weight control and anti-aging. Following the 5 Finger Diet can help you lose weight, get in great shape and maintain it for the rest of your life. It may also help you avoid many of the chronic diseases commonly associated with weight gain and aging. The information on this page is revolutionary in its approach and methods, but sound and balanced in its nutrition and exercise. The 5 Finger Diet is not a short-term “fad diet,” but a long-term lifestyle improvement founded on the latest medical research and developed through my experience as a Board-Certified Family Physician.

The 5 Finger Diet is not intended for the diagnosis, treatment or cure of any particular disease. It is a healthy lifestyle, and a useful adjunct to licensed, qualified medical or psychological care. For any persistent pain or symptom, even a seemingly minor one, the reader is strongly encouraged to consult a medical doctor. When used in conjunction with standard medical treatment, the 5 Finger Diet can help you lose weight and lead a healthier life through eating natural, whole foods, drinking plenty of regular clean water, performing daily deep breathing exercises and leading an active, fun, recreational lifestyle. The FDA has not approved these statements.


  • The only 5 methods of losing weight known to man
  • A comprehensive nutritional guide
  • Detailed instructions to living the Anti-Aging lifestyle
  • A 30 day transformational guide to get you going
  • Recipes and More!


  • Lose weight fast and keep it off
  • Feel great for the rest of your life
  • Live free of annoying aches and pains
  • Help prevent the ravages of chronic disease. 
  • Live without the threat of metabolic syndrome

About 5 Finger Diet By Allan Hernandez, MD

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Learn more about my ingenious 5 Finger Diet and start losing weight and keep it off for a lifetime!